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Parkinson’s Disease (shaking palsy,paralysis agitans) Part 1

Writer: jubbdavidjubbdavid

Updated: Feb 24, 2023

Dr. David Jubb 22 October 2011 Marrakesh, Morocco

Parkinson disease (shaking palsy, paralysis agitans) has been written about since 1817. The author clearly within this text shows what causes Parkinson and its prevention; and how its progression can be slowed to stopped and possibly reversed. Shaking palsy and paralysis agitans can be produced by head injury, environmental neurotoxicity and poisoning by synthetic poisonous chemicals having been administered; such as antipsychotic, antidepressive and wrongfully administered synthetic toxin.

Parkinson disease can have developed later in life; a long time after a neurotoxic event incurred in early life. Parkinson disease is the progressive destruction of cells involved in dopamine production and its brain pathways involving the brain stem substantia nigra region. A loss of dopamine changes the balance of acetylcholine; resulting in garbled messages to the muscle.

Parkinson symptoms develop once some 70% of substantia nigra dopaminergie neurons have been destroyed. Oxidative stress is aggravated by dead food and heavy metal and chemical toxicity. Clinical and imperical evidence shows that antioxidant in lifefood and doing Jubb Cell Rejuvenation retards development and slows and even stops and reverses progression of Parkinson disease.

Aids; neoplasm; Alzheimer; diabetes; depression; acne; chronic renal failure; endometriosis; as conditions are favorably dealt with more as glutathione peroxidase is produced by friendly intestinal flora. And in Parkinson disease; a slight inherited weakness from the cerebral toxicity and poor digestive condition; no transient pro- biotic and the basal ganglia (the stalks of a cauliflower) don’t get their oxidative protection and can have become oxidized. Poor micro-circulation in the brain; by lack of serotonin receptor and challenged production by enterochromaffin cell of serotonin all by stoppage of cerebral fluid proper circulation; cause loss of nerve function and a host of other symptoms.

Aging typically involves a slow and sometimes rapid decline in brain function. Up to 80% of basal ganglia of the substania nigra is shown to be lost in Parkinson disease; which happen also to be notoriously depleted of glutathione peroxidase. Selective sensitivity and inhibition of circulating neurotransmitters is responsible for numerous behavioral disorders, a person can suffer multiple disorders.

Feeling dizzy; loss of consciousness especially when standing up or sitting up. Synthetic chemical can exacerbate the condition initially and eventually cause the same condition overtime of further nerve toxicity; and alcohol consumption exacerbates and accentuates a synthetic’s toxicity. Excessive even small releases not timed of dopamine can cause abnormal involuntary movement; and/or muscle twitching. Depression is a major symptom of non-vital neurotransmitter activity in the brain. Confused and strange abnormal thoughts can occur as dopamine/serotonin axis is not balanced. Synthetics such as: selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors corrects no bio-chemical; yet cause dangerous imbalance. Sever toxic neurological side effects can have incurred from even a single dose of such poison. Synthetics interfere with the body’s ability to clear dopamine or serotonin; or any other spent neurotransmitter.

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