Stopping, people from getting to blue sky; chaos, ensued by thousands of officials already present; doing, exercise together; yet, conflicted because beloved who cared to save were turned away; it’s, to black-swan Hawaiians by things like the covid mandate since twenty-twenty; no, one has ever seen a claim; so, you’re looking at what due diligence has been done by any official; for

Long before a crime is occurred you see planning was for such; and, officials shifted into position to manage; so, when you don’t see that, how good is that? Yet, when chaos was obvious as part of the crime like barricades stopping people from getting to blue sky; children, having been somehow prior sent home yet to empty homes; which, parents weren’t informed properly; and, a thousand or more are missing honest; and, many are children; and to
See, alphabet soup land department as a fiction connected to government funding; to, quick from the lips to talk about what is being done with the land; when, the organization all saw chaos existed and the cause of a fire having similar anomalies to weapons being used to nineteen ninety-one in Iraq; it’s, where lips move for commercial reason as venue; which, isn’t from the land; that’s, the official betrayal; not, coming from the land which is venue; yet, only out of a corporation; yet the
Founding, fathers set things up government would protect natural right and title; you, and i have to uphold title as equity interest as an official of due diligence done by discretion taken; for, government is only there to protect private title as property; where, records were interfered with before the crime as part of the crime; like, selecting someone trained in covering up false flag; like, the Mandalay bay incident in las Vegas;
You, see all crime being done by legal name fraud under commerce; not, from the land; it’s, to see children being the most important value; and, how your credit is spent; to, not see fraud or trespass against public funds drawn from your bonds; it’s, an abusive relation of conflicted interest allowed; which, is obvious which is to be stopped; because, title has been taken;
You, can’t have a naturalized CORPSE nor PER SON nor Individual nor hue-man; your, title is man/wo/man; otherwise, you’re just a corporation; you, don’t have a natural right; operating under a fiction from a fiction; a, fiction can’t hear you only the controllers of that CORPS; and, who is above that fictional group who has joinery; where, no counter-claim exists;
Who, is living and who is selected from such as one of the people; all, fiction below can be replaced injustice; the, charge of genocide is discharged under article III and IV procedure; many, other expert witness can tell you genocide is done under code of a legal killbox; which, is not lawful; that’s, been put over the globe; like, no claim yet wanting to inject seventy percent of the people; like, in Hawaii; as
You’re, listening you can know the police state took a father and a mother away from their son where no charge exists; i, witnessed my son being practically put to death; to, this day he’s never known his father; the, police state abused DEW from the sky in the past to burn; yet, it doesn’t go through blue; you’ve got massive anomalies in temperature which isn’t a natural fire at all; so
Stop, classifying it as such; because, that would be wrong; mixed, with what is fictional and controlled with flash-bang ping-pong; and, natural fire that caught from the microwave pulse; equipment to communicate would have been fried close to those spots; it’s, a common law claim; as, an article III which i put into the Phoenix courthouse; to, see that it was totally misfiled by a Judge Advocate General; the
Clerk, misfiled my claim; to,the have the acted judje advocate general in charge oder the clerk to miss file my claim then threaten me when i made an inquiry; and then proceeded to write a false letter to the wrongdoers telling them the “case was closed;” though, i had a default privately got in my favor; where, no claim existed against me; censorship, like that is the act of war to aid and abet and comfort the enemy; now, look to see how officials lips move; for, you can easily hear motive from lies being repeated; as a
Criminal, investigation at the Inspector General level’s department is made possible; yet, Child Protective Service for instance under stand down orders; trafficking a child out of state while a lawful procedure is done; is, crime allowed; so, this son and his father didn’t receive proper consideration; never, to see a charge against the father; to
Exist, and have no crime committed; yet, this weapon lawful applied stopped my son under vice admiralty from being trafficked; what, happened to me in the past was to be retaliated against; that, is why a grand jury has to be; in, Maui you see water wasn’t turned on; emergency, arrangements wasn’t; sirens, didn’t go off;
Stopping, people from getting to blue sky; chaos, ensued by thousands of officials already present; doing, exercise together; yet, conflicted because beloved who cared to save were turned away; it’s, to black-swan Hawaiians by things like the covid mandate since twenty-twenty; no, one has ever seen a claim; so, you’re looking at what due diligence has been done by any official; for
Care, is to title straight away; because, it's a natural right everything else flows from; and, you’ve got a glaring motivation of order being about a land grab; yet, why isn’t it that children are missing and that over a thousand or more possibly got holocausted? Love, jubbdavid;